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Hanover Hosting, LLC.
(804) 412-1990

We hope you will find this page helpful and receive the answers you are looking for. If you do not see your question(s) below please feel free to contact us.

Why do I need a website?

How much does a website cost?

What is website hosting, and why do I need it?

Do you do website maintenance?

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Q. Why do I need a website?

A. There are several benefits you will gain from have a professional website for your business. (The same can apply for individuals.)

Benefits to having a website:
1. Plenty of space. There is limited space in other types of advertising, such as print. One benefit of having a site is that you have enough space to market all of your products and services, announce events, and anything else that your feel is important while communicating with potential customers so they will be able to make and informed decision.
2. Anytime Availability. Your website will be available for potential customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to view and gain information about your business even when you are closed or away from the phone. You can encourage callers you have missed to visit your site while they are waiting for a return phone call.
3. Easy to update. Printed material can be expensive and troublesome to keep updated while a website can easily be updated to let the public know of changes to you hours, offerings, and contact information.
4. Provides Credibility. One of the best benefits of a having a web site: a well-thought-out, professionally designed web site can add credibility to your business. A web site can also convey a sense of stability and permanence and give customers another avenue for contacting you if they have lost your information. In today’s high tech world a lot more people are referring to the internet as a source of information. Whether they are conducting research or trying to find products or services, you will have a better chance of reaching this market and portraying credibility if you have a professional site.
5. Added Value. It becomes a valuable resource to potential and current customers. You can post information on how to care for products you sell, refer to related services, interesting facts, how-to’s, tips, trends, mistakes to avoid, and the list goes on.
6. Word-of-Mouth. It’s easy for someone to share your web site address with a friend in an email, a phone conversation or a meeting where none of your business cards or brochures are available.
7. Competition. People use the internet to research everything. If a competitor has a website listed in their print ad and you don’t, those online savvy people may check out your competitor’s first because they have a site.
It is important to have a website, and not just because that’s what we do, but because people use them for just about Everything and most likely your customers or potential customers do too. In late 2007 it was found that almost 80% of all adults go online for an average of 11 hours per week (Reference: I am sure the statistic is closer to 85% percent now, this is probably not a market share you can afford to miss. “Your customers are online, you would benefit from being online where those potential customer can find you.”


Q. How much does a website cost?

A. Hanover Hosting, LLC. creates custom websites. Our prices are based on the needs of your website and the amount of time it will take to build. An initial site creation can cost anywhere between $150 for a simple one-page web presents to $3,500 for an e-commerce website with payment modules and one hundred products. You may use our contact page to request a proposal, or give us a call.

Q. What is website hosting, and why do I need it?

A. Web hosts allocate a specific amount of space on there server, which is hooked to the internet, to host a site. Several sites depending on size can be hosted together on one server. The basic information being hosted includes your sites DNS, Files that make up the website and email.

DNS (Domain Name System) is the information that tells the internet where to look for your site and how to direct it. 

Files that make up the website include images, and page files. This is the design and content of your website.

Q. Do you do website maintenance?

A. Yes, we maintain several websites. We can maintain, and update information, add images, evaluate SEO efforts, etc. to sites that we both host and are hosted elsewhere.

Q. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

A. SEO is the term we use to indicate efforts to increase your rankings on search engines, such as google, yahoo, bing, etc. At Hanover Hosting we can review your website and internet marketing efforts to ensure that your site is getting the best results. Some of these tasks included: keywords, external and internal site linking, tag and html optimization to ensure that search engines are efficiently reading the content of your site, and much more.


Copyright © 2005-2011. Hanover Hosting, LLC.
All rights reserved. Last Modified: January 2011